"Marching and foraging, that's all the war is about." - private Leo Sole
Leo he did not even knew where they were, still Spain, sure, because locals were speaking Spanish, but where exactly, the names of towns and villages meant nothing to the frenchman. More than once he was sure that they are just going in circles.

Marching, and eating dust, Leo cast an envious glance at a Caporal-Fourrier** lazily strolling on his pale horse, head high above the cloud of dust. And then his bowels growled loudly.
"Hungry, boy?" the sergeant turned his head.
"Oui, sergent." the company had no proper meal for a good part of a month by now, not counting a cow private Renou shot five days ago. The bouillon even had a few bites of meat in it...
"Then you are the right man for today's task, private", the Caporal-Fourrier interrupted Leos daydreaming, "To find your company something to eat!"
Yes, marching and foraging, that's all the war is about.
The days catch was a carriage dragged by two women. Carriage full of fresh undyed cloth. Leo knew about cloth, his family traded in those, you could make many useful things out of it, but food was not one of those things. At least a few soldiers could forget their hunger for a moment when sergeant allowed them to frisk the women, the pleasures of soldiers life...
"Wait, I can talk to them!" Leo hears his own voice, "there must be some food where they are going to."
No, there wasn't, or maybe the women lied, but still that was a chivalrous act, chivalrous like the thing a cavalryman does. Leo's belly growled in disagreement.
"No matter, tomorrow many of you will march off to dine with the devil anyway, would be a waste of food", grimaced the Caporal-Fourrier after sergeant Pichon finished repporing.
The retort clearly caught attention of the tree veterans.
"You better get some good sleep tonight", one of them - Severin told while inspecting his rifle in the evening. There was something is nis tone. Leo could not sleep the whole night. Must be hunger.
Rules and History: A new season, a new roll to check if company has supplies. And no it does not. So definitely no horse for Leo. And before rolling for scenario I go Foraging. I roll 1 PEF and 0 supplies gained. Which I translate into a scene with the women and the carriage. To keep it from being totally eventless I decided that Leo can try talking to women and with success to generate some extra PEFs, but I pass 0d6 with 3D6, terrific! According the rules I can go foraging as much as I want, but I decide that that can happen behind the scenes, and meanwhile company will go into a next battle poorly fed, which should translate to passing max 1d6 on Will to Fight table. I roll for next scenario, and this time the result is much more interesting!
Rules and History: A new season, a new roll to check if company has supplies. And no it does not. So definitely no horse for Leo. And before rolling for scenario I go Foraging. I roll 1 PEF and 0 supplies gained. Which I translate into a scene with the women and the carriage. To keep it from being totally eventless I decided that Leo can try talking to women and with success to generate some extra PEFs, but I pass 0d6 with 3D6, terrific! According the rules I can go foraging as much as I want, but I decide that that can happen behind the scenes, and meanwhile company will go into a next battle poorly fed, which should translate to passing max 1d6 on Will to Fight table. I roll for next scenario, and this time the result is much more interesting!
* Rice, Bread, Salt - officers.
**Supply officer of a company.
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